Statement of Faith

iMap will expect all agencies who desire to work in partnership with it in the promotion of mission in and from Ireland to accept the following Statement of Faith as an agreed basis for our partnership in the Gospel:

We believe that there is only one living and true God; who exists in three equal and eternal, yet distinct persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit; who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things; who has graciously revealed Himself to humanity; and who acts in His Son Jesus Christ to redeem His Creation.

We believe in the eternal deity and sinless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ; his miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His birth of the Virgin Mary; His atoning death in our place as the only perfect sacrifice for sin offered once for all; His bodily resurrection and ascension; His unique position as the only mediator between God and his people; and His personal return in glory.

We believe in the verbal inspiration and final authority of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as originally given by God, expressing the mind of God for all of life and providing us with the only reliable guide in all matters of faith and practice.

We believe in the universal sinfulness and guilt of all humanity since the fall, putting everyone under God’s wrath and condemnation. Redemption from sin and justification before God is an act of His mercy, in which sinners are pardoned for all their sins and accepted as righteous in God’s sight by grace through faith in Christ alone.

We believe that the Holy Spirit makes the work of Christ effective to individual sinners, enabling them to turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; and that the Holy Spirit indwells all those who are born again, producing in them an increasing likeness to Christ in character and behaviour, empowering and equipping them for witness in the world.

We believe in the bodily resurrection and judgement for all, which will result in eternal joy and fulfilment for those who are saved, but eternal conscious condemnation for those who are lost.

We believe that the church is the body of Christ of which He is the head. Local churches should be a model of the universal church which is made up of all believers of all time who come from every nation, tribe, people and language, which will one day be complete around God’s throne in heaven.

We gladly accept the Commission of Christ to proclaim the good news to all people, to make disciples of Christ, and to teach them to obey Him; We also accept the command of Christ to love our neighbours, believing that this will result in service to the church and society and a desire to spread God's justice in an unjust world, until Christ comes again.

Please also make sure to review our Rules and Constitution:

iMAP seeks to provide a forum that will enable its partners to more easily interact with each other, obtain and share information about mission opportunities and generally support and facilitate those engaged in Christian mission.

iMAP will achieve this primarily through the medium of online services and social media-based communications, and through harnessing the collective knowledge and experience of its partners within a shared community of mission agencies.

 2025 Irish Mission Agencies Partnership CLG. All rights reserved.

C/o Lewis & Co Chartered Accountants, 8 Priory Office Park, Stillorgan Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin A94 EE95.

CRO 604140 - RCN 20204995 - CHY 18021